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būrkhāni: "pasta dish eaten in South Russia"
al-burquʿ: The veil over the door of the Kaʿba
butcher: A practice
būza: "millet beer in South Russia"
Byzantine brocade: A practice
Byzantine navy: A practice
Byzantines attacking Syria: The Byzantines will attack Syria during the apocalypse according to some Muslim interpretations
Byzantines, defeat of : Apocalyptic belief associated with medieval Islam
  • C
  • cabin: of a boat
    Caesar: title
    caliph: Title of a Muslim ruler
    Caliph's attendants: A practice
    Caliph's dress: A practice
    Caliph's guards: A practice
    Calydonian boar: A practice
    cambaz: tightrope-walkers among the Turks
    camphor: A practice
    candle makers: A practice
    candlesticks: A practice
    cannibalism: A practice
    cannons: A practice
    canon of scripture: A practice
    canons: Laws and regulations of a Christian church
    cantor: An official who sings liturgical music and leads prayer in a synagogue
    capital city: A practice
    captain: ship's captain
    Captain of Melitene: title
    captives: A practice
    Caravans: A practice
    cardinals: High-ranking ecclesiastical leaders in the Roman church
    carob-sweet: A practice
    carpenters: A practice
    carrier pigeons: A practice
    carrion: decaying flesh
    castor-oil trees: A practice
    catadrome: a type of machine for raising and lowering things
    catapults: A practice
    Catholicos-patriarchs of the Church of the East: A practice
    cattle: A practice
    Cave: meaning: natural openings in the ground, occasionnally used as burial places
    celestial hierarchy: A practice
    cemeteries: A practice
    census: A practice
    Centaurs: half-human half horse beings
    Centers of learning: A practice
    Cerberus: dog
    cereals: A practice
    chains: A practice
    charcoal: A practice
    charities to orphans: A practice
    chāshnīgīr: An office in the Delhi Sultanate ("food-taster")
    cheese: A practice
    Chemosh: god of Moab
    cherries: A practice
    Cherubim: a type of angel
    chestnut: A practice
    chickens: A practice
    chickpeas: A practice
    chief khātūn: A practice
    chief qāḍī: A practice
    Chinese paper money: A practice
    Chinese porcelain: A practice
    Chinese ships: A practice
    Chinggisid genealogy: A practice
    chirāghchī: lamp-attendant
    Chiron: Centaur, inventor of medicine
    chowdhrī: "headman"
    Christianity: A practice
    Chronos: father of Zeus
    church: A building for Christian worship
    cinnamon trees: A practice
    circuiting pavement: a pavement for walking in a circle around a central point, such as around the Kaʿba in Mecca
    circumcision: A practice
    circus factions: A practice
    circus races: at Rome
    citadel: A practice
    citadel: A practice
    city factions: A practice
    city fire: A practice
    city revenues: A practice
    clime: A practice
    clock: A practice
    clothes bag: A practice
    clothing: A practice
    cloth merchants: A practice
    cloves: A practice
    coal: A practice
    coconut honey: A practice
    coconuts: A practice
    coco-palms: A practice
    co-emperor: A person assigned to be a lesser emperor at the same time as another senior emperor
    Coffers: A practice
    coins scattered at weddings: A practice
    coir: A practice
    colocasia: A practice
    Columns: pillars
    Columns of marble: A practice
    Columns of silver and gold: A practice
    comes: Title for a Genoese governor at Galata
    Comet: A practice

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